Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Rebar
BFRP provides non-rusting reinforcing bars, and is a new technology with significant promise for the construction industry
Non-rusting Reinforcing Bars
Rebar made of BFRP does not corrode or rust over time, making it the ideal choice for concrete reinforcement near water, such as at seashore locations.
Promising Opportunities
On all fronts, progress is being made: manufacturing efficiency and capacity, global presence, product design and development, and regulatory activity.
Environmentally friendly
Each use of a ton of basalt fiber composite reinforcement can save standard coal 5.24TCE carbon emissions and BFRP Rebar has less than 74% of the carbon footprint of steel.
Global Accreditation & Recognition
In countries such as the United Kingdom, Russia, China, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, and the UAE, BFRP Rebar is licensed and used as an alternative to Steel Rebar.
The sustainability
Abundant, green, easy to produce, easy to supply, and environmentally friendly.
Various applications
BFRP Rebar is perfect for chemical plants and massive construction projects like large bridges, tunnels and marine environments like swimming pools, dams and seashore constructions.
BFRP Rebar does not conduct electricity or induce fields when exposed to RF energy, great for MRI or data buildings.